Project Idea
The first Kuwaiti biodegradable/plantable hydration sports drink designed to help athletes regenerate muscle quickly and replenish water with a mixture of electrolytes and natural ingredients.​​​​​​​
I tried to create a logo that reflects the brand personality. I wanted it to be simple, modern, and friendly. I chose to go with a Combination Mark. I created a customized type, and I was making sure to be friendly by using lowercases and curved edges.
here is my sketches and process for building the logo,  as you can see there are many variations and rejected attempts. I came up in the end with this iconic shape that represents growth and the environment.
Promotional Products Design
As you can see,  I designed many promotional products to advertise for the product itself,  as well as raising awareness about the environment.
Exhibition Stand Design
The concept was to build something interactive and combines both (Sports & Nature). I came up with this final result and everyone like it.
Thank You!
hydroseed® Brand

hydroseed® Brand
